Brave Beautiful Birth

Author: Jaimie

Rest Is Best

So often, we mothers who plan and dream for a VBAC want to be in control. Shouldn’t we? Who cares more about this then us? I mean, past experiences can

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Beauty In The Waiting

The seasons change. And nature obeys. There’s no fear. No hurry. Somehow they all know what to do…the trees, the birds, the chipmunks. They sense something new. But I have

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A mother like you…

Hi friends. I am just like you. A mother who wanted more. I kept my journey to myself. I couldn’t handle criticism and negativity. My heart, it was just too

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What if someone told me?

  Of all the people I knew… What if someone told me? That ‘once a c-section, always a c-section’ wasn’t true? That there *are* risks to every c-section I had

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Watch Me

I lay there with tears streaming down my face. I tried to hide them. I tried to help myself from just letting it all out. Right there in the hospital

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Jessica’s VBA3C

  My story began on June 8, 2007. I was 21 years old and pregnant with my first child, my son Everett. I was young, naive when I look back,

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Amy’s Story – A VBA2C

Hi friends! My friend Amy shares her birth story to VBA2C. I was able to watch from a distance as she displayed courage, faith in her body and faith in

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Birth can be many things, why not believe it can be beautiful?

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