Brave Beautiful Birth Services

Doula Services

Support, Encouragement & Information


Professional and certified to bring unconditional support during pregnancy, labor and postpartum with research, education, comfort measures and resources.


Assistance with helping prepare for labor, VBAC information and for new doulas wanting mentorship.

Our Packages

Custom packages designed to suite your needs.

Labor Prep

$ 350
  • Two Prenatal Meetings to prepare for labor, including daily exercises, birth plan discussions.

Doula Support

$ 1400
  • Two Prenatal Meetings to prepare for labor, including daily exercises, birth plan discussions, relationship building.
  • Text and phone support during pregnancy, labor support and one postpartum visit after delivery.

Frequently Asked Questions

A doula is a support person that understands the physiology and the emotional needs of a woman in labor, assists her and her partner in developing their birth preferences, stays with the woman during labor, works with the couple to enhance the partner’s comfort and involvement in labor, provides emotional support, physical support measure suggestions for labor progress, provides objective informational support and options for the woman so she can make informed decisions in the event of unforseen developments, facilitates communication with care providers as needed, and recognizes birth is a natural and key life experience that the mother will remember all her life.
A doula offers labor support, but also support during pregnancy. By providing up to date research, emotional support and answering any other questions that may arise, your doula will be able to support you in various ways as soon as your contract is signed.
Studies show that women who invest in doula services tend to have shorter labors with fewer complications, a reduced need for epidurals or other regional anesthesia for pain management, reduces the need for synthetic oxytocin (pitocin) to speed up labor, reduces the need for forceps, vacuum extraction, and the need for c-sections, enhances the woman’s satisfaction with her childbirth experience.
The doula’s goal and mission is to enhance the support a laboring woman receives by encouraging, assisting and aiding the partner’s role in in labor. Often times this can look like great team work, where the partner knows mom best and the doula knows birth best. Interlocking these two important key items brings great results. The doula isn’t just there to support the woman, she is there to support her partner as well for hydration, breaks and emotional support.
Based on the package chosen, you will meet with your doula once before labor if not more. We encourage more than one prenatal visit, but this is based on your preferences. During your visit(s), we will not only talk about birth, but get to know one another. You may also choose a package that includes unlimited text and email during business hours.