Hi friends!!!!

How are you? It’s been quite some time.

I pray you are well and flourishing.

I had to step away for a bit. I felt God calling me to either serve others in birth or to be still and prepare my heart for another little one. And so, I chose the quiet as I asked God for another baby after two miscarriages.

I think anyone who knows, knows my last birth was everything. So to have two miscarriages, it just broke my heart.

Supporting other women through loss, I hadn’t experienced it first hand myself.

It hurt to love someone I never would meet until Heaven.

But I felt the risk of loss was worth taking in order to possibly be blessed with the gift of life. And so I asked God for another baby.

And with prayer and trust, we became so excited to learn we were expecting in the fall of 2021.

Fast forward to now, we have a full life with five kids. The youngest just now, as I type, using sign language to ask for more milk. :) It cracks me up and warms my heart all the same time.

The birth was just as great but different than my first VBA3C. It seems as though my pregnancies are always great moments to dig in and learn with God.

I would love to share more as I haven’t shared publicly about my second VBA3C. It was everything I wanted and more! And I praise God for this!

I have so many thoughts about birth. New thoughts. Some old. New thoughts on motherhood. And watching my oldest enter adulthood. I would love to hear your thoughts as well. How are you? How have you been?

I hope I can use this space to share and engage with you as time permits.

As for now, I pray you are blessed, led and strengthened by God no matter what stage of life you’re in.

Let’s chat soon.❤️


Birth can be many things, why not believe it can be beautiful?

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