Brave Beautiful Birth

Category: Thought Life

Choose Your Focus

Raised eyebrows. Questions. Concerns. They didn’t understand why this was important to me. They just didn’t get it. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hurt me. The ones

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“Just in case you need a c-section, this is what we will do,” the anesthesiologist told me between contractions. Politely I listened. Inside I refused to agree. I knew what

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New Birth, New Life

It seemed so surreal. Holding my baby, I put my hand on her head. A wet, gooey, fresh baby. On me. My baby. No one else taking her. No one

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Our Words Carry POWER!

I was so determined. When a negative thought came into my mind, I immediately refused to keep thinking of it. “What if I can’t do it?” No, I told myself

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Who’s Business?

Friends! I’ve got something to say! Things I have learned from some wise people! A couple ways to de-stress when planning your birth! 1. It’s not your business what others

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Turning Point

Have you had a turning point in your life? Where you just knew things would never, ever be the same? My water broke. My dress all wet. I threw it

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Birth can be many things, why not believe it can be beautiful?

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