I decided to write a book after the birth of my fourth child because honestly, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I had worked so hard towards my VBA3C. It seemed weird, even with four kids to not have something to work on and prepare, besides normal life. My heart was overwhelmed with God’s goodness and love for me and I knew I wanted to share more of not just my story, but I really believe this is all about Him.
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No VBAC? You Carry Great Significance

I want to talk to you ladies who wanted to have a VBAC but didn’t. Where are you? Can you hear me? Hello?

I specifically use this page to encourage moms who want a VBAC, because I was that mom. HOWEVER, I also want to encourage YOU who didn’t as well. Why?

Because you carry GREAT value as a person and to the birth community. You hold wisdom, knowledge, love, compassion that SOMEONE needs. You aren’t less than because your plan didn’t come to pass. You’re enough because you tried. There lies the victory. There lies the strength. Trying to do something that takes courage, work, effort. You did that. We really are all the same. Moms doing our best for our families. You have value and significance and I thank you for being part of this page. You are important.