I decided to write a book after the birth of my fourth child because honestly, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I had worked so hard towards my VBA3C. It seemed weird, even with four kids to not have something to work on and prepare, besides normal life. My heart was overwhelmed with God’s goodness and love for me and I knew I wanted to share more of not just my story, but I really believe this is all about Him.
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It’s Published! Brave Beautiful Birth – Trusting God Through VBAC

Brave Beautiful Birth - Trusting God Through VBAC   Hi friends! It's been awhile! I have been busy over on Facebook and Instagram and finishing up my book. And I'm so pleased to tell you it is published and available on Amazon! The reviews have been awesome so far! Some have described it as inspiring, encouraging and the BEST book. Which is such a compliment. Giving thanks to God for His incredible work in my life and the ability to pass it onto others. Maybe you feel alone on your journey. Pregnant or not, you...

When Mothers Are Born Too

Blurry. This picture is but my memory isn't. Exhaustion, yes. Not just from labor, but from the entire journey. Ten months that I worked for. The six who were there to see me give birth...


Birth Matters – I Know That It Does

My VBAC To go against people's opinions. To face my insecurities. To be persistent. To fight for the birth I wanted for my baby and myself. To do something which most thought I was crazy to attempt. My VBAC A reminder of who I once was and who I have since become. ******************************** People say it doesn't matter how we have our babies. I disagree. It does matter. It shapes us and we carry those memories good or bad. Like a necklace that can never be removed, faded or worn, the birth stories of our children we will forever...

Determination and Strength

If you have had a VBAC, are preparing for one, or even planned one that perhaps didn't come to pass as you wished, I would dare to say you're bold. I would dare to say your determined. I would dare to say you're fierce. I would say you are brave. To say what YOU want for YOUR birth. Not everybody does it. The system can almost seem like a factory. And when one stands up to say "My way," it can make things a little hard for the system to not have...

I Knew The Next Time Would Be Different

Reflecting back to my third c-section. Oh my. Was meeting baby precious. But it was my one time I showed up on the scheduled day and never went into labor. Heartbroken, anxious. Wanting baby to pick the day of birth. Not the doctor. As my time slot was pushed back, I sat at the door of the OR watching them prep for me. Waiting. Seeing all the tools they would use on me. This is was very normal for them. Not for me. I had shakes and chills and wanted...

Birth…it will change you

A rare moment. Alone singing my song today. That one that gave me strength three years ago. Seriously I think it was written for me. The last month of pregnancy was my hardest. "Come, know my love deeper yet," He told me. "Come into the waves, leave the shore." And so I did. I didn't just quote affirmations. I didn't focus just on birth. I knew that stuff. I focused on knowing my Father. To run into a new place of trust with Him. Letting go of everything else. Nothing else mattered. This is...

Thank You

Three years ago today I had my VBA3C. You all know it meant so much, or I wouldn't be here writing these words right now. But today, I spent a few hours driving to talk with someone for two minutes ----- my doctor. I needed to go, hand him a card, look him in the eye and thank him. I was so blessed to find him. He was the only one to help me. But I ask, who is helping YOU? Who has supported you or is supporting you right...


Choose Your Focus

Raised eyebrows. Questions. Concerns. They didn't understand why this was important to me. They just didn't get it. I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt me. The ones I wanted support from, didn't know what that support looked like. But then I realized, it's ok. It's REALLY ok. They don't have to understand. And I can *still* love them, get along with them, laugh with them and honor them. I didn't need someone to honor me for me to honor them. I decided to remain focused on what I wanted....

New Birth, New Life

It seemed so surreal. Holding my baby, I put my hand on her head. A wet, gooey, fresh baby. On me. My baby. No one else taking her. No one separating us. Together. For the first time. "Ohhhhhh." "Ohhhhhh." It's all I could say in disbelief. This new person I was meeting for the first time. There's magic there. There's beauty. There's comfort. All those good flowing hormones! Sometimes we fear the worst, we doubt ourselves, we don't know if we can truly trust our providers. This isn't easy. My first birth I...