Thank You

Three years ago today I had my VBA3C. You all know it meant so much, or I wouldn’t be here writing these words right now.

But today, I spent a few hours driving to talk with someone for two minutes —– my doctor. I needed to go, hand him a card, look him in the eye and thank him.

I was so blessed to find him. He was the only one to help me. But I ask, who is helping YOU? Who has supported you or is supporting you right now? Maybe a midwife, chiropractor, doula or a friend. We should thank them. We don’t get here alone. So, thank and tag those people in the comments.

To all those who supported me and all of YOU who support others, I THANK YOU. Without you, it just wouldn’t be the same.



Birth can be many things, why not believe it can be beautiful?

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