Education. It’s Worth It.

If you plan to deliver at a hospital or even if it’s a possibility…

I can’t encourage you enough to educate yourself.


Because hospitals have policies and procedures they must follow. Hospitals have systems and ways of doing things. Sadly, many times ACOG’s recommendations are not followed. If you know what ACOG suggests, and educate yourself about birth and VBAC, you may be better prepared to know if you need/want/would like to ask to wait for interventions that may be suggested to you. Sometimes they are necessary for your benefit and sometimes they are necessary for the hospital’s.

How can you know? How can you be prepared?

1. Read everything you can at VBAC Facts . And I do mean everything. This will be one of the most important days of your life. Preparing for it won’t be wasted.

2. Hire a doula. She can be by your side to help you understand what staff may be informing you about. She may be able to help explain so you can understand better what your options are. Save your money and make the investment. They are worth it in more than just this way.

3. Read books about the normal process of birth.

Preparing for your VBAC is important. Knowing risks and benefits to any intervention is helpful so you can make the best decision if it presents itself. You don’t need to know it all nor can you. But anything you do know can help you.

It’s your birth!! Take it by the reins. No one cares more than you do. And no one will remember it more than you. Education is worth it!!


Birth can be many things, why not believe it can be beautiful?

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