New Birth, New Life

It seemed so surreal.

Holding my baby, I put my hand on her head. A wet, gooey, fresh baby. On me. My baby. No one else taking her. No one separating us. Together. For the first time.


“Ohhhhhh.” It’s all I could say in disbelief. This new person I was meeting for the first time.

There’s magic there. There’s beauty. There’s comfort. All those good flowing hormones!

Sometimes we fear the worst, we doubt ourselves, we don’t know if we can truly trust our providers. This isn’t easy. My first birth I went in and expected them to just take care of me. I knew nothing. This time, I almost knew too much.

However, the waiting, wondering and even painful moments of fear and uncertainty, they were gone. A thing of the past, that seemed to be so insignificant.

Everything I worked for was worth it. Nothing beautiful or amazing in life comes easy. It’s through the hard things that beautiful things are birthed.

Like babies.

And their mommas, too.


Birth can be many things, why not believe it can be beautiful?

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