Turning Point

Have you had a turning point in your life? Where you just knew things would never, ever be the same?

My water broke. My dress all wet. I threw it into the washing machine and just stood there. Looking at my familiar washing machine. That I used every day, multiple times in fact. It seemed so familiar to me, that washing machine. But what was happening to me in the moment, was not familiar. I was in labor and about to attempt what I was told not to.


As I stood there looking at the washing machine, I realized the next time I used it, I would be a different person with a new family member, a new life. I felt sadness come over me as I let go of the familiar life I knew. The safe feeling it gave me. I let go of my fears in that moment and allowed myself to walk out of the laundry room ready to walk into something new.

A new life. A new baby. A life that wasn’t lived in fear.


I didn’t know the scope and the weight that day would carry. But it was a turning from my old life and a deliberate “Ok God. I am trusting you with this new thing.”


Have you had a turning point? Where He spoke to you? Such peace in those moments. Monumental. Life changing.


Birth can be many things, why not believe it can be beautiful?

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