Who’s Business?

Friends! I’ve got something to say!

Things I have learned from some wise people! A couple ways to de-stress when planning your birth!

1. It’s not your business what others are doing unless it directly affects you. How freeing! Just do you! Prepare for your birth! Enjoy your pregnancy! Let drama go! And allow people to do them even if you don’t agree. Stay on your path and walk in joy!

2. It’s not the business of others regarding what you’re doing. Choosing a VBAC? Choosing a homebirth? Guess what? Your birth! Your choice!! You get to decide. It’s not someone else’s job to decide for you or give input! And it’s ok to put up boundaries as well!

3. And my fave!!!
***It’s not your business what others think of you.****

Let that settle for a minute. People can be against your birth plan, people can disapprove but that’s not your business. It’s theirs. Don’t hand over your precious energy or emotions into a situation you can’t even control. Eyes up and eyes forward. Don’t look around too much. Keep marching to the beat of your course!

Thoughts? Share with me!
Comment below:
1. I struggle with what others think of my plans for my birth and even my life
2. I am a free girl, doing my thing and completely confident


Birth can be many things, why not believe it can be beautiful?

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