Beauty In The Waiting

The seasons change. And nature obeys.

There’s no fear. No hurry. Somehow they all know what to do…the trees, the birds, the chipmunks. They sense something new. But I have yet to see them rush, panic or become unsure of what’s taking place. Calm and steady they are.

It’s kind of similar to birth. We can sense a change, we have a general timeline. But we don’t know for sure the day. We can’t.

We too wait for a new season with a new family and hopefully a healing birth.

We can choose peace in our waiting. We can choose to look upon the simple things in our everyday lives and … smile. We can choose to slow down. What must *really* happen vs. what do we *want* to have happen before baby comes….

Let go of having it perfect, the house, the laundry, the groceries. We can still be doing our daily tasks, yet be present in these very precious moments.

We will never get them back. Life won’t ever be quite the same. Take in the last moments, the last days and let peace fill your heart and your home. Let the small stuff go and just…be.

Your body will be at rest, your heart too. And your baby will feel it also.

And then, just in the perfect time, it will be time. Your time to have that beautiful, healing birth. Let the fears go, the anxieties melt away with the pure love you have for your family, your baby and yourself deep inside. After all, love is motivating this desire to have a healing birth. A deep love, for something better.





There is beauty in each of our days. Will you choose to see it with me while you wait? ❤️

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Birth can be many things, why not believe it can be beautiful?

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