Determination and Strength

If you have had a VBAC, are preparing for one, or even planned one that perhaps didn’t come to pass as you wished, I would dare to say you’re bold.

I would dare to say your determined.

I would dare to say you’re fierce.

I would say you are brave.

To say what YOU want for YOUR birth. Not everybody does it. The system can almost seem like a factory. And when one stands up to say “My way,” it can make things a little hard for the system to not have one fall in line with the process.

Whether you have a VBAC or not, if you walked the path at any point, don’t forget what that journey has created in you. What it brought out in you. A strength you might not have known you had but it was part of you this entire time. #fierce #determined#birthmyway


Birth can be many things, why not believe it can be beautiful?

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