Rest Is Best

So often, we mothers who plan and dream for a VBAC want to be in control. Shouldn’t we? Who cares more about this then us? I mean, past experiences can so say much. Often times we don’t want them repeated. We have been pro active for most of our pregnancies, as we should be.

But here, near the end there’s a great temptation.

A temptation to bring on labor because we are concerned about our doctor’s limitations or restrictions about size of baby, estimated due date, a climbing blood pressure or something like that.

The end can stir up emotions. So many. We can consent to cervical checks because we might be anxious and want to know when we know they mean nothing. We may take long walks only to be exhausted at the end. We might eat pineapple, drink castor oil, anything to get baby out! Instead of emotional rest we are worried, uptight, fearful, concerned! Ah! The anxiety.

But the solution is really rather easy.


Rest your weary heart. Rest your mind. Rest.

Rest your body, don’t push it to extremes, no need to intervene unless absolutely necessary.



Deep breath.


When you are relaxed in body and spirit, your body and baby can easily work together in this mighty dance called birth.

We can worry and fret and that will produce nothing except chaos within that affects the outward as well.

So, no need to tidy the house up so much. No need to hurry baby. Rest. Rest. Watch the birds. Watch the branches blow in the wind, the sun rise and sun set. Let your heart be at peace.



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Birth can be many things, why not believe it can be beautiful?

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