The Boss’ Words


“But Mommy, he said I couldn’t have that.”

Her words to me as she was telling on her big brother.

“Ok,” I tell her.

“Well, Mommy said you can. And Mommy’s words are the only words that matter.”

How many times have we been defeated or discouraged by someone’s words to or about us?

Maybe they have put limits on us.

“You can’t do that. You have never done that before.”

“That’s not your strength.”

“You’ve always been x, y and z. It won’t happen for you. Just accept this is God’s plan for your life.”

Hold up.

I said HOLD UP!

Who has told you these things? Why have you chosen to believe them? Does this person have the authority to speak these things in you life?

Maybe this person or these people really love you. They aren’t trying to discourage you. Maybe these are your words.

But I caution you. Yes, with the yellow tape. HOLD UP.

Before you accept those words, can you take them to a higher court? To a higher authority and see what The Boss says?

As I tell my children when they boss each other around and get so upset with one another.

“Please…relax. I am the boss and I have said you can do this. You are allowed to do this. Please pay no attention to your brother.”

I think the same can be true of us. We get caught up in others’ words. So much so that we allow it to shape our thoughts, our feelings and then our actions and behaviors.

But these words do not matter. Yes, we want to take into account others’ opinions. Wise counsel…yes. But really only the King of Kings, only His words matter. But we won’t know His words if we are not in His Word. We need it. We need to keep it before us, in front of our eyes and in our heart.

So, today I ask…whose words will you believe? The only words that matter are not that of a brother, sister, coworker or friend. But that of The Boss. The Master. The Saviour.


My son, pay attention to what I say;

turn your ear to my words.

Do not let them out of your sight,

keep them within your heart;

for they are life to those who find them

and health to one’s whole body.

Above all else, guard your heart,

for everything you do flows from it.

Proverbs 4:20-23


Birth can be many things, why not believe it can be beautiful?

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