Brave Beautiful Birth

Category: Fear

If I Could Tell Them One Thing

If I could tell them one thing. You’re worth it. You’re worth finding a good doctor. You’re worth finding out what that doctor believes, what his philosophy of birth is.…

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Birth Trauma and Layers

Birth trauma – It’s like an onion. There are layers. The top layer is easy – no tool required. Just peel it back. Acknowledge things didn’t go well with your

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Rest Is Best

So often, we mothers who plan and dream for a VBAC want to be in control. Shouldn’t we? Who cares more about this then us? I mean, past experiences can

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A mother like you…

Hi friends. I am just like you. A mother who wanted more. I kept my journey to myself. I couldn’t handle criticism and negativity. My heart, it was just too

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What if someone told me?

  Of all the people I knew… What if someone told me? That ‘once a c-section, always a c-section’ wasn’t true? That there *are* risks to every c-section I had

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Watch Me

I lay there with tears streaming down my face. I tried to hide them. I tried to help myself from just letting it all out. Right there in the hospital

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Birth can be many things, why not believe it can be beautiful?

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